Top 10 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Heart Healthy Food

Welcome! I am excited to share with you some delicious foods for high blood pressure.


A healthy diet is important when trying to lower your blood pressure.  Hypertension can put you at risk for a heart attack, stroke, dementia, and more.


Common medications often have side effects ranging from fatigue and dizziness to depression and heart attacks.  The very things you are trying to avoid!


I know that hearing that can be scary, but I’m here to tell you that you have the power to turn all that around with some simple changes to your diet.


Plus, you’re also going to see drastic improvements in your strength, energy, and focus.  And who wouldn’t want that?!?


If you’re trying to lower your blood pressure, you need to add whole foods with lots of nutrients and a minimal amount of sugar to your diet.


Studies show that a diet with a low glycemic index helps reduce blood pressure.   The Glycemic index is a measure of how fast a food causes your blood sugar to rise.  When your blood sugar levels rise fast, your heart starts pumping faster and your blood pressure rises.


It’s important to make sure that your body is receiving all the key nutrients that it needs.


According to Harvard Health, getting enough Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium are crucial in maintaining normal blood pressure.  50% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium– a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and muscle function.


This list of wonderful nutrient-dense foods includes ways for you to boost your intake of these key minerals, so stay tuned… I have also included some of my favorite easy recipes that’ll make your tastebuds as happy as your arteries!


Take a moment and imagine sitting in front of a big, colorful plate of delicious whole foods… mmmh can’t you just taste the deliciousness! 😋


Now that you are excited about making amazing changes to your diet, let’s dive in!


Here are 10 foods that you can start adding to your diet today to help you reach your health goals!


1. Salmon

Baked Salmon
Baked Salmon

Salmon is a great way to get Omega-3 fatty acids, which are proven to help lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy!

Oven-baked salmon is delicious over a nice bed of leafy greens, or a la carte with a side of baked carrots.

Season your salmon with pepper and lemon for a low-sodium option. It’s delicious!

**Always buy wild-caught salmon.   Farmed fish are kept on poor diets.  Dye is often used to give fish the color that it would be naturally in the wild.**


2. Blueberries


The results from a study, done by the Journal of Gerontology, showed that eating a cup of blueberries every day will improve blood vessel function and decrease blood pressure.

The phytochemical that makes blueberries blue, anthocyanins, are an antioxidant.

I am sure you have heard of antioxidants, but what does it mean? Antioxidants fight off unstable molecules that damage cells and increase the risk of disease.

I don’t know about you, but I consider myself very lucky that such a delicious food is also one of the best for me!

There are so many great ways to enjoy them.  Next time you are craving something sweet, grab a handful of blueberries instead.

You can add some on top of your morning oatmeal or make a wonderful winter salad.


PRO TIP– Buying organic is one of the easiest ways to increase the nutritional benefits that you get from your food.  Genetically modifying foods strip fruits and vegetables of the amazing disease-fighting nutrients that they contain.


3. Avocado


Fats are often labeled as “bad,” but not all fats are harmful.

Eating high-quality monosaturated fats can help improve your cholesterol and reduce inflammation.

This misconception began with good intentions.  Eating lots of processed foods with high saturated fat levels is certainly not part of a heart-healthy diet.

Adding avocados into your diet is a great way to get a large dose of fiber, which helps with weight loss and lowers your blood sugar.

On the go?  You can cut open an avocado before you leave the house and enjoy it later with a dash of sea salt.  It also goes great on a salad, or you can whip up some guacamole!


4. Fermented Foods


Fermented foods, like kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha, can help you lose weight, improve digestion, and lower your blood pressure.

According to a study, fermented foods help block enzymes that raise blood pressure. They are also great for your digestive system!

Fermented foods introduce lots of good, healthy bacteria to your gut biome, which is important for a properly functioning digestive system.

If you are a fan of Kombucha, that’s a great easy way to reap the benefits of fermented foods! However, make sure to check out the ingredients before you buy them.

Some brands of Kombucha use unnatural flavorings and an excessive amount of sugar. Though some sugar is required to make kombucha, try to buy the brands with the least amount.

Kimchi goes great with some salmon and a little bit of rice as a delicious Korean-inspired lunch or dinner option.

There are many more fermented foods, so check out this list and see what you like best!


5. Beans & Lentils

Beans and Lentils
Beans and Lentils

Next up, beans and lentils!  There are tons of options to choose from that are great sources of protein, fiber, and iron.

The fiber, especially, will help balance your blood sugar levels and reduce hypertension.

There are tons of delicious recipes to choose from.  Here is a great list of fun things that you can make with lentils.

Just scrolling through the recipes my mouth began to water!

Beans are easy to throw on a salad or stir into a quick soup.  There are a lot of ways to start eating more of this heart-healthy food.

Check out more ideas here.

When following recipes, remember that you can (and should) omit salt and excessive sweeteners.


6. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index compared to white potatoes. They are also high in potassium. You’ll remember potassium from our list of minerals that are heavily lacking in the traditional American diet.

Potassium has the power to clear your body of excess sodium and ease tension in your blood vessel walls.

Now, let’s get to all of the mouthwatering things that you can make out of sweet potatoes!

There are tons of delicious loaded sweet potato recipes.  (My new meal plan is full of sweet potato recipes. Check it out here!)

You can throw some spinach, nuts, and cranberries on top like that amazing picture above.  If this one intrigues you, have a look online for more recipes, there are so many delicious ones out there!

Be careful though, there are lots that are full of bacon and cheese, so opt for the ones that use veggies and maybe some beans.

Here’s a pro tip for you– greek yogurt makes a great, healthy substitute for sour cream.

Feeling in the mood for some crispy french fries? Oven-baked sweet potato fries are one of my go-to favorites. They are super easy to make, delicious, and your body will love them as much as you do!



7. Tomatoes


Tomatoes are another one of those wonderful fruits (yes, fruit) that contains antioxidants that can help lower blood pressure and have other positive effects on your body.

Studies  show that lycopene, one of the nutrients in tomatoes, can reduce blood pressure without the use of medication.

Chopped tomatoes with a spritz of lemon makes for a nice refreshing snack or side salad.  You can also whip up some pasta sauce or a nice tomato soup.


8. Oats


Yes, some good ol’ classic oats.  A breakfast of rolled oats topped with some blueberries is the perfect way to start your day off right.

It’s a great food to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

If you tend to have hectic mornings, overnight oats are going to be your new best friend!  It takes only a few minutes to prepare at night, and it makes a deliciously healthy breakfast or snack on the go.


9. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate

I know this one is exciting.  Unless perhaps you are not a chocolate lover, and in that case, I don’t know what to tell you.

Antioxidants found in cocoa have been extensively studied and proven to help lower blood pressure.

Next time you are at the store, pick up some dark chocolate free of milk, sugar, and processed ingredients.  If you have a sweet tooth, this is a great alternative to sugary treats.

You can even chop some up and mix it in your morning oats for a yummy chocolatey breakfast!  Yes, I said it.  You can eat chocolate for breakfast!


10. Pistachios


Pistachios are high in protein, micronutrients, fiber, and low in saturated fatty acids.

Raw (unsalted) pistachios are a great snack by themselves. You can also chop some up and mix them in with your morning oats or a nice big salad.

Now that you have loads of new tips and tricks to lower your blood pressure naturally, it is time for you to go put them to work!

I urge you to start by picking just a couple of your favorite blood-pressure-lowering foods and start incorporating them into your diet.


I can tell you, from tons of experience, that you are much more likely to find success by compounding small easy changes.


Find what fits in your lifestyle, and start there.  Big changes will come with consistency and dedication to better health!





Who I Am

My name is April, I am a Wellness Coach who specializes in helping people lower their blood pressure through positive lifestyle changes.

Thanks for reading.  I will see you next time!