How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure in Minutes? | Health at Heart

How to lower your blood pressure in minutes

There are many tips about how you can lower your blood pressure over time.

But sometimes, you need ways to lower your blood pressure much more quickly—even in minutes.


Many things can cause stress, which can cause your blood pressure to rise dangerously. Fortunately, there are things you can do right now that could immediately affect your blood pressure.


Tips for Immediate High Blood Pressure Relief


Take a Shower


Stress and tension can drive your blood pressure sky-high.


Try taking a warm shower or bath for at least 15 minutes.

Warm water will relieve aching muscles and release tension.

Add some Epsom salts to the tub to soothe tired muscles further.

Also, the heat from the water allows your blood vessels to dilate or open up.

Your heart won’t have to work as hard to push the blood through your open blood vessels.

A good soak in the tub is good for your heart.


Gentle Stretches


Slow, gentle stretches can work wonders for your blood pressure.


When your blood pressure is high, you might not feel well enough to do more active exercise. But moving your body is crucial.

By taking it slowly, you are activating blood flow and warming muscles.

Gentle stretching can also cause you to focus on your breathing.

Yoga and Tai Chi are two types of slow movement and stretching that teach you to be more aware of your breathing.

You may not even realize you are breathing quickly or feeling stressed until you begin a stretching routine.


For more about gentle activity, check out AARP’s Unexpected Ways to Improve Heart Health.


Lie Down


If you need immediate relief, one way to create calm in minutes is to find a comfortable and quiet place to lie down.


Daily life can become stressful and overwhelming, and too much going on can cause your blood pressure to shoot up quickly.

If you can’t lie down in a quiet place, try to find a calm place to sit and close your eyes.


Breathing Techniques the Lower Your Blood Pressure in Less Than 5 Minutes


Whether you’re dealing with a lot of little things building up or one big stressful event, one of the best ways to get your blood pressure under control is to practice breathing techniques.


There are several methods you can try, including:

  • Your Focus Word:
  1. Choose a simple word that you can repeat for this method, such as calm, peace, safe, breathe, or gentle.
  2. It can be any word you like. Repeat the word you have chosen in your mind or out loud quietly until you see an image in your mind.
  3. Then, take a deep breath and hold it for four seconds, then slowly and loudly exhale.
  • “O” Breaths:
  1. Find a comfortable place to sit with your back straight to help you open your chest.
  2. Then, lean your head back slightly, close your eyes, and rest your hands on your knees. Make an “O” shape with your lips.
  3. Inhale very slowly, and exhale slowly for five breaths.
  • Alternative Nasal Breathing:

If you feel your blood pressure is high in the evenings or you’re struggling to get to sleep, try alternative nasal breathing.

  1. Sit comfortably with your back straight, and relax for a few moments—there’s no need to rush.
  2. Then, plug your right nostril with your right thumb, and breathe slowly and deeply through your left nostril.
  3. When you have breathed in as much air as possible, use your index finger to block the left nostril and breathe out slowly through the right nostril.
  4. Then, switch sides. You can do this breathing exercise for several rounds.


Learn more with 5 Breathing Techniques to Lower Your Blood Pressure by Step to Health.


Breathing techniques are one of the best and fastest ways to create change in your body.

Not only will you lower your blood pressure, but these techniques can also help your mood and overall stress levels.


Don’t have time for these breathing techniques?

  1. Try taking a deep breath and holding it for two seconds, then slowly exhale.
  2. Pause for two seconds, then repeat.

You can do this breath cycle at your desk, behind the wheel of the car, or wherever you need to take a moment to be with your breath.


Meditation Helps Lower Blood Pressure Fast


Like breathing techniques, meditation is a way to slow the body down and be more mindful.


Studies show that meditation is an effective tool for lowering high blood pressure.

The more you practice it, the better you get.

Here’s a simple meditation technique similar to the Focus Word breathing above:

  1. Sit somewhere quiet, and close your eyes.
  2. Take a moment to relax your muscles.

(If you are struggling, think about each part of your body and relax the muscles in that one part. Then go to the next part and repeat.)

  1. Begin repeating a calming word, phrase, or prayer.
  2. You may have stray thoughts pop into your head that have nothing to do with your word or phrase. Instead of fighting those thoughts, let them float through, and then return to your word or phrase.


Try to take time to meditate every day.

As it becomes a routine, you’ll be surprised how quickly it can help you feel better.


Read Mediation and a Relaxation Technique to Lower Blood Pressure from Harvard Health Publishing.


Eat Something (But Not Just Anything)


Researchers have found that eating certain foods can help lower your blood pressure.


These foods contain vitamins and minerals that support your heart and blood vessel health.

But it’s important not to snack on whatever is close by, or worse, on junk food.

If your blood pressure is high, try these:

  • A square of dark chocolate
  • Garlic, or a garlic supplement
  • A handful of protein-rich nuts
  • A glass of water
  • Pumpkin seeds


Try these hacks the next time you are in a stressful situation or feel your blood pressure may rise.


And the more you practice these techniques, the more effective they can be.


Tuning into your body can be one of the most powerful tools for taking charge of your health.