How to Stop Eating Junk Food for Good | Health at Heart


This fun article from Eat This, Not That! “The Most Popular Junk Food in America, New Data Shows”  gives us a list of America’s favorite junk food.  But if you’re a junk food junkie you need to know how to stop eating junk food.  And as a Health Coach I’m here to show you how. 🙂


One of the hardest parts about starting a healthy diet is giving up your favorite unhealthy treats. But, I am here to assure you that you can still enjoy them!


There are tons of healthy alternatives with all of the flavor and none of the guilt.


As I talked about in my Junk food-it’s a punishment, not a reward! post, reaching for snacks that are high in sugar and processed ingredients is only going to make you feel horrible.


So, how do you satiate that sweet tooth without ruining your diet? Read on for lots of great, heart-healthy substitutes and tons of delicious recipes!


Ditch the Junk Food & Make Heart Healthy Snacks at Home!



The best way to make sure that all of the ingredients in your food are healthy is by making it yourself!


Whether you love to cook or you would rather leave the work to someone else, getting into making your food is a great way to connect with what you are putting in your body.


It is possible to find some healthy treats in your local grocery store, but they tend to be pretty pricey. Also, foods that are advertised as “healthy” are often still full of sugar and processed ingredients.


Two of my favorite store-bought snacks are Perfect Bars and RX Bars. They are made with simple ingredients, easy to take on the go, and delicious!


However, if you are looking to be a bit more economical, they are easy to make at home!


A nice bowl of fruit is also an easy, healthy way to calm your sweet tooth.


Next, let’s talk about…


How to Stop Yourself From Eating Junk Food

Ingredients for heart healthy treats



Most store-bought snacks and treats are full of artificial sweeteners, genetically modified corn and wheat, and lots more toxic chemicals used as binders and dyes. So, by simply making your food at home, you are going to avoid all of those.


But, you can take one step further and substitute sugars, flours, and fats for healthier alternatives.


The first step you can take is buying all organic, non-GMO ingredients. Modifying foods strips them of some of their most beneficial nutrients and ingesting chemical pesticides will do horrors to your hormonal system.

(Learn more about pesticides from the National Library of Medicine, “Pesticide exposure: the hormonal function of the female reproductive system disrupted?“.)


Next, let’s talk about how to make some delicious sweet and savory treats!


Good Junk Food – Sweet Indulgences


There are so many sweet treats that are as healthy as they are nutritious! Let’s start with a few of my favorites that are so healthy that you can eat them for breakfast!





Chia seeds are full of protein, magnesium, and lots of other super healthy nutrients! They are a great super-food to add to your diet, especially if you are trying to lower your blood pressure.


Chia seed pudding makes this nutritious food just as delicious!


Simply add two tablespoons of chia seeds, ½ a cup of your favorite non-dairy milk, and a touch of organic honey into a mason jar. Refrigerate for a few hours and you’ll have a delicious breakfast or snack that is easy to take on the go!





Yes, I said it… Ice cream!


Except, instead of lots of sugar, fat, and unhealthy dyes, all you need is some frozen bananas and your favorite flavorings.


Blend frozen bananas with a little bit of non-dairy milk, vanilla extract, and chocolate chips or fruit, and enjoy!


If you are a fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream, add peppermint extract and some dark chocolate for a healthy alternative.


Click here to check out lots more delicious banana ice cream recipes!


And more.


These are just a few of my favorite healthy treats, but there are so many more at Food Network, “66 Healthy Dessert Ideas“.


How to Stop Eating Junk Food for Good – Let’s Get Baking…


If you love to bake, there are a few steps you can take to increase the nutritional value of your favorite treats!


When you are looking for recipes, try adding in the keywords “oil-free” and “sugar-free.” There are lots of amazing recipes online with fewer of those harmful ingredients.


Bananas are one of my favorite baking ingredients. They can be substituted for oil, they work as a binder and a sweetener!


Dates also make a great, healthier sweetener!


For a dose of healthy fats, substitute coconut oil for traditional butter.


For more, check out Scripps, “This for That – Healthy Baking Substitutions“. It’s a great list of alternative baking ingredients.


And now… for the savory lovers!


How to Stop Eating Junk Food and Fast Food – Let’s Get Savory…



There are lots of great, healthy savory snacks too!


There are a few big things to avoid when whipping up your favorite savory foods. First of all, oil. Many recipes will call for excessive amounts of oil. More often than not, it will taste just as delicious with half the oil!


When using oil, always skip the vegetable oil and use olive, coconut, or avocado oil instead.


Another easy swap is skipping the highly-processed flours and opting for a natural, whole-grain flour.  Check out Healthline’s, “5 of the Healthiest Flours for Every Purpose” for flour alternatives.




Fried foods are some of the worst for you. But for every fried food, there is a tasty baked alternative!


Baked potato wedges are a great alternative to french fries, and they’re super easy to make! Simply cut up the potato, toss in a little bit of oil and salt, and throw them in the oven!


If you are trying to lower your blood pressure, sweet potatoes are an even better alternative. They have tons of magnesium and other heart-healthy nutrients.


Check out these links for over a hundred delicious, healthy recipes for more ideas.


Time to enjoy yourself! 


Now that you know how to make your favorite foods as good for you as they are tasty, go enjoy yourself!


Sustaining a healthy diet is all about finding balance while still enjoying the foods that you eat.


So, enjoy the foods you love in moderation. Make sure to keep eating lots of whole foods, and always substitute healthier alternatives when you can.


Want more heart healthy snack recipes?  Check out my new meal plan here!